Small Irish businesses to take part in Barometer survey

Small Irish businesses to take part in Barometer survey

Posted: Wed 6th Apr 2022

Enterprise Nation’s quarterly research project, the Small Business Barometer, is back. And with it comes the chance to win a €300 Not On The High Street voucher. 

Small business owners are encouraged to take part in the survey, which measures the level of confidence (or lack of) in the Irish small business sector.  

Confidence and growth 

With a focus on confidence and growth in business in Ireland, the barometer results can shape the support Enterprise Nation offers to small Irish businesses through its platform.  

"We've recently launched our first barometer for our small business community in Ireland," said Nicola Woods, Programme Manager, Enterprise Nation (Ireland). "We'll be carrying out similar surveys each quarter to keep up to date with small business sentiment."

Navigating uncertain times 

"In this research project, we're focused on confidence and growth. Over the last couple of years, small businesses have had to navigate uncertain and challenging times," Woods explained.

"Rising costs has been a huge topic in discussions and we're keen to understand how this will affect our small business community.  

"Enterprise Nation aims to support small businesses, whether it's through our platform, programmes or connections with advisers. The insights from this survey will help us tailor that support."

Take part in the Small Business Barometer survey

It could not be easier. Simply spare us five minutes of your time and answer some questions.

Go to the survey

Enterprise Nation has helped thousands of people start and grow their businesses. Led by founder, Emma Jones CBE, Enterprise Nation connects you to the resources and expertise to help you succeed.

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