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The easy way to keep customers satisfied with an omni-channel approach

The easy way to keep customers satisfied with an omni-channel approach
Norma O'Kelly
Norma O'KellySalesforce

Posted: Fri 11th Dec 2020

You've closed the deal and converted your prospect into a customer. But closing sales deals is just the beginning of the customer journey.

It's now time to keep your customers engaged and deliver on those promises you made in the sales pitch. Building excellent customer relationships is all about great communication and understanding your customers' needs. But what's the best way to do this?

This post will look at how to keep your customers happy using a communication strategy that connects multiple channels seamlessly - also known as the omni-channel approach.

Six ways of staying in touch effectively with the omnichannel approach

If you want to build a lasting relationship with your customer and keep them engaged, using an omni-channel approach is very effective. An omni-channel customer experience means that your customers can interact with your brand across multiple channels such as social media, your website, or via email - and receive the same personalised experience. Here are some top tips for engaging your customers using this omni-channel approach:

Use social media and create dynamic customer communities

Several social media networks - and Enterprise Nation, in fact - offer the possibility to create groups.  Groups can serve as a marketing tool, helping you attract new leads and maintain your customer relationships. Users can share their own tips and tricks, use cases and product feedback. You can also use it as a place to support and share exclusive content with them. This creates a strong sense of community and drives your brand engagement.

Deliver helpful content

Each customer is different and therefore needs a personalised content strategy. One customer may find an industry news email useful, whereas another may prefer social notifications about upcoming webinars. Tech tools and software can help you track this automatically.

Create an omni-channel newsletter

While you can start by creating a traditional email subscriber newsletter, try to find ways to adapt this content across your customer's preferred channel. For example, adapt an industry news email for social media with a news roundup social post. This omni-channel approach keeps your users engaged, shows your company's expertise and expands your social presence.

Upsell and cross sell with targeted offers

This is a great strategy for generating business from existing customers, but be careful to base it on their actual purchase history or support requests. Ask yourself: Does the upsell improve your user's life?

Ask for feedback

Conduct surveys or hold feedback sessions with active users to involve them in the brand experience.

Gain brand advocates through a reward programme

A loyalty programme can convert a happy user to an active brand advocate.

While using an omni-channel approach is effective for staying in touch with customers, bear in mind that you don't want to come across as overly pushy. Your goal should always be to inform and educate. GDPR compliance is now a legal requirement, so when sending out newsletters, for example, make sure you include double opt-in as well as opt-out/unsubscribe options.

How can a CRM tool help you to stay connected with your customers?

The better you know your customers, the better you can engage them with content and exclusive offers. A customer relationship management (CRM) system is your ultimate friend in deploying an omni-channel approach. Here are some key benefits of using a CRM:

Use insights to create a personalised customer experience

Every customer interaction is tracked and stored by your CRM system, meaning you can see at a glance what channel your customer prefers, and what content they respond well to.

Stay ahead of the communications curve

Set reminders for the next follow up and always send the right message at the right time.

Plan marketing campaigns more effectively

A CRM makes it easy to set up email or social media campaigns or conduct post-purchase customer surveys.

Segment your customers

A CRM can help you group contacts into target audiences to tailor your offers and marketing tactics.

Create more efficient customer service

Track support tickets and automate tedious support tasks to help keep dialogue between you and your customers as smooth as possible.

You can find more info on these and other benefits on Salesforce's CRM for Small Business page.

Start engaging customers effectively today

Existing users are a gold mine for additional business and referrals. Keeping customers satisfied will sustain your business for years to come. Use the omni-channel approach outlined above to keep your customers delighted and engaged with your business.

If you want to learn more about engaging customers and the sales cycle - from prospect to close and beyond - download this free eBook from Salesforce.

Also in this sales series:

Norma O'Kelly
Norma O'KellySalesforce
Norma O'Kelly is a Senior Marketing Manager for Salesforce for the UK and Ireland. She has been part of the Salesforce Marketing team since 2015 and is responsible for Small Business Marketing with a focus on digital marketing, virtual and in person events, sponsorships and more recently was the lead for the Salesforce Small business Grant program in the UK in 2020. Prior to her role in Salesforce she has a long history in marketing working with start-ups, mid size as well as some very well -known brands including Nokia, Jameson Irish Whiskey, Bacardi and Oracle. Her side hustle and first love is coaching young talent and SMEs and is an ICF approved Life and Business coach. 

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