Lunch and Learn: Get your video marketing questions answered

Jeremy Mason
Jeremy MasonMP Video Production

Posted: Thu 21st Oct 2021

Watch back: Get your video marketing questions answered

Jeremy Mason helps businesses create effective video that empowers their businesses to grow. With over 20 years’ of broadcast TV experience, Jeremy is fused with deep knowledge and enthusiasm for all things digital marketing - and - in particular, video marketing.

Watch back this recorded Lunch and Learn to hear Jeremy answer the most demanding questions when it comes to video marketing for your small business.

Jeremy Mason
Jeremy MasonMP Video Production
I help businesses create effective video that empowers their businesses to grow. 20+ years broadcast TV experience fused with deep knowledge and enthusiasm for all things digital marketing - and - in particular, video marketing. I'm passionate about video and its power to transform businesses if created and implemented in the right way. We live in an incredible time where anyone can create, publish and broadcast (thanks to social platforms and the likes of YouTube) - without having to jump through the hoops as you would have had to previously. This presents a massive opportunity for businesses to engage with new audiences, and foster ongoing relationships with their existing fans. I love: video, business, music, planes and tea. Not always in that order.

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