Hospitality businesses in England face fines for not following COVID-19 safety measures
Posted: Wed 9th Sep 2020
Requirements for businesses to keep customer information for NHS Test and Trace will be made law in England and hospitality venues will face fines if they don't comply.
Amid rising cases of coronavirus, prime minister Boris Johnson announced in a Downing Street press conference that from 18 September it will be mandatory for businesses such as restaurants, pubs and cafes to have a system to collect NHS Test and Trace data and keep it for 21 days.
The government's core safety requirements will also be mandated for hospitality businesses and breaches will be enforced with fines.
A register of environmental health officers will be published to help local authorities recruit officials to visit businesses. Marshals will also be used to check social distancing measures are being followed in towns and city centres.
There's a toolkit to help businesses comply with NHS Test and Trace here.
On Wednesday, new local measures were introduced in Bolton including restricting late night opening hours after a rise in the number of coronavirus cases among young people. The government said the same measure could be used in other areas "with the option of national action in the future".
The 'rule of six'
From 14 September, people must not meet with people from other households socially in groups of more than six. This will apply indoors and outdoors, including in private homes. The limit will be enforceable in law and those who breach it could be fined.
There are exemptions to the new rules such as places of worship, restaurants and hospitality venues which can still host larger numbers in total but groups of up to six must not mix or form larger groups. Education, workplaces, organised team sports and weddings and funerals up to 30 are exempt.
The latest coronavirus support information
We are keeping you updated on the latest information COVID-19 business support, funding and advice in Enterprise Nation's coronavirus business advice hub. Follow Enterprise Nation on Twitter too for updates.