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Felix Robinson: 'StartUp UK has been instrumental to my business's growth and development.'

Felix Robinson: 'StartUp UK has been instrumental to my business's growth and development.'

Posted: Wed 4th Oct 2023

StartUp UK is Enterprise Nation's scheme to provide free tailored support to budding entrepreneurs.

Backed by the UK government and Monzo Business, the programme delivers initiatives such as e-learning, online training, national events and flagship annual conferences throughout the UK.

As the scheme continues to run, we're talking to some of the businesses that have been taking part, to hear how it's benefited them so far. Here, we talk to Felix Robinson of Pet Trust UK, the first UK high-security platform to make buying animals safer online.

How did you come up with your business idea?

In 2020, a fellow dog breeder thought she had a couple going to view her puppies, but when she opened the door she was faced with two masked men holding machetes. They threatened her life and stole the puppies and the mum. This is when I knew I wanted to be a part of the solution to fix this problem.

Pet Trust UK's unique selling proposition revolves around promoting responsible breeding practices and pet welfare and creating a safer, more secure pet-buying and selling marketplace.

We position ourselves as an innovative online platform that prioritises responsible breeding, pet welfare, transparency and secure transactions, setting itself apart from other similar platforms. We intend to disrupt the industry as we all know it.


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You've taken part in Enterprise Nation's StartUp UK programme. What were your reasons for doing it?

I thought the programme's mentorship component could be a game-changer for me. Having a mentor who understands the challenges of starting and growing a business is invaluable. Their guidance, expertise and advice could give me clarity, direction and confidence as I make critical decisions for my venture.

I was also looking for the programme to support me with securing funding for my business. For example, providing access to funding opportunities, facilitating warm introductions to potential investors, and equipping me with the knowledge and skills to develop a compelling business case for funding.

Finally, I believed being part of the StartUp UK programme could bring my business increased visibility and recognition. The programme's promotion of its participants and the exposure it gains for founders through events, media coverage and online platforms is amazing. I thought this would help me reach a wider audience, attract customers, and build credibility in my industry.

How has the StartUp UK programme benefited you and your business so far?

The programme has given me access to a wide range of resources that have been instrumental to my business's growth and development. These educational materials, guides, templates and tools have helped me navigate various aspects of entrepreneurship effectively.

And through StartUp UK, I've had the privilege of connecting with like-minded entrepreneurs and industry professionals. The networking opportunities the programme has facilitated have allowed me to establish valuable relationships, gain insights from experienced individuals, and collaborate with fellow business owners.



What's the best advice you've received from taking part in StartUp UK?

How to create a spreadsheet of investors and send to my contacts for warm introductions.

Do you have any business advice for other aspiring entrepreneurs?

Always start with your purpose and build your business around it. Because without it, when things get tough, you'll need it to carry you through.

Finally, what are your plans for the future?

We launched on 27 August with our MVP and plan to add an e-commerce store in February 2024. We're also applying to become a B Corp and have an initial assessment figure of 96.5.


StartUp UK: Turn your good idea into a great business

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Enterprise Nation has helped thousands of people start and grow their businesses. Led by founder, Emma Jones CBE, Enterprise Nation connects you to the resources and expertise to help you succeed.

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