A round-up of the latest Brexit guidance for small businesses
Posted: Tue 19th Feb 2019
As we approach the date when Britain is due to leave the European Union, the government is publishing an increasing amount of guidance to help businesses prepare in the event of a deal not being done. But with so much information being issued, it can be hard to keep track so here's a round-up of the latest advice.
Don't forget you can stay up to date, get personalised guidance and connect with expert advisers through Enterprise Nation's Brexit Advice Service.
Guidance for the consumer goods sector including information on import/exports, employees and regulations and standards. Click here.
Guidance for the professional and business services sector including information on employees, operating in the EU, and the use of personal data. Click here.
UK businesses trading with the EU will need a UK EORI number to continue trading if the UK exits the EU without a deal. Click here.
Preparing to use the new UKCA mark (relevant to those products that have been using the CE mark). Click here.
Food labelling changes after Brexit. Click here.
Using personal data after Brexit. Click here.
Intellectual property after Brexit. Click here.
Operating in the EU after Brexit. Click here.
Regulations and standards for product manufacturers after Brexit. Click here.
A simplified customs procedure if Britain leaves without a deal. Click here.