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How do employee relations impact company culture?

How do employee relations impact company culture?
Gayatri Panda
Gayatri PandaThemis Technologies

Posted: Mon 8th Jul 2024

In today's fast-paced business world, where companies are always competing, there's something really crucial that determines how successful they'll be: company culture.

It's not just some trendy word people throw around, it's about what the company believes in, how people act there and what kind of vibe it gives off. And right at the core of making this culture positive and awesome is something called employee relations.

Employee relations means how well the people who work at a company get along and feel about their jobs. It's a big deal because when employees are happy and feel valued, it makes the whole company better.

Let's explore how this whole employee relations thing can totally shape a company's culture in today's workplaces.

Core principles of employee relations and their impact on culture

Communication and transparency

  • Open and honest communication between employees and management

  • Clear expectations, timely feedback and accessible channels for raising concerns fosters trust, builds a sense of shared purpose and encourages collaboration

Fairness and consistency

  • Consistent treatment of all employees regardless of position or background

  • Equitable application of policies and procedures creates a sense of belonging, promotes respect and reduces conflict

Respectful workplace

  • Zero tolerance for discrimination, harassment, or bullying

  • Emphasis on valuing diverse perspectives and creating a safe and inclusive environment increases employee wellbeing, fosters innovation and strengthens team dynamics

Recognition and appreciation

  • Acknowledgement and reward for employee achievements

  • Celebrating contributions fosters a sense of accomplishment, motivates future performance, boosts employee morale, reinforces positive behaviours and improves engagement

Conflict resolution

  • Clear and efficient processes for addressing employee concerns and resolving conflicts

  • Focus on fair outcomes and maintaining positive relationships minimises disruption, fosters trust in leadership and promotes a collaborative environment

Watch this webinar to find out how to retain staff by giving them career pathways and development plans:

Here's how to improve employee relations

Valuing employees as vital assets

Businesses are starting to realise that employees are more than just cogs in a machine, they're invaluable assets crucial for long-term success.

Research from Gallup shows that teams with highly engaged employees tend to be 21% more profitable. Engaged employees become ambassadors for their company, influencing customer perceptions and bolstering the company's reputation. Moreover, happy employees are more likely to stick around, saving the company money on recruitment and training while ensuring stability in operations.

Navigating the Great Resignation

The COVID-19 pandemic threw many challenges our way, emphasising the importance of strong employee relations.

Initially, companies showed support for their staff but as time went on, remote work, increased workloads, and personal struggles led to what's now called the 'Great Resignation'. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, a record number of Americans quit their jobs in August 2021. This mass departure highlighted the urgent need for organisations to prioritise employee wellbeing and strengthen employee relations to hold onto their top talent.

Understanding changing employee expectations

Employees today, especially younger ones from the Millennial and Gen Z generations, have different expectations from their employers.

They seek companies that share their values, offer opportunities for growth and champion diversity, equity, and inclusion (DE&I). Research from Deloitte's Global Millennial Survey indicates that satisfaction with a company's inclusive environment correlates with longer employee tenure. This shows how crucial DE&I initiatives are for engaging and retaining employees.

Using HR technology for better relations

In our digital age, HR technology plays a crucial role in supporting employee relations efforts. From recruiting to performance management, HR tech streamlines processes, improves communication and boosts employee engagement.

According to Gartner, 90% of HR leaders plan to invest in technology to enhance the employee experience. Tools such as:

1. Voice of employee platforms

These platforms have come a long way from just annual surveys. Now they help HR keep a finger on the pulse of employee concerns in real time. Studies show they're twice as likely to help retain workers. Plus, AI-driven analysis means instant results for managers to improve engagement.

2. Internal talent marketplaces

Imagine having the chance to grow within your own company. That's what these marketplaces offer. Studies found they help keep employees around for much longer, almost twice as long. AI matches you with new roles and projects, making it easier to spread your wings and stay where you are valued.

3. Pay equity and compensation benchmarking software

Nobody likes feeling underpaid and it's the top reason people leave jobs. These tools help make sure everyone's fairly compensated. They're crucial for retaining diverse talent, with insights that help fix any unfair pay gaps.

4. Predictive analytics tools

Ever felt like you might be losing a valuable team member? These tools help spot potential departures before they happen. They're not perfect, but they're a step forward in keeping our best people happy and engaged.

Impact on performance and engagement

Strong company culture, driven by effective employee relations, leads to tangible benefits.

Harvard Business Review's research indicates that companies with a strong culture experience significantly higher revenue growth. Engaged employees are more productive, innovative and less likely to call in sick or leave their jobs, according to Gallup. This underscores the direct link between employee engagement and organisational success.


Employee relations are the bedrock of a thriving company culture, shaping the employee experience and driving organisational performance. By prioritising strong employee relations practices, companies can create a positive work environment, boost employee satisfaction and retain top talent in today's competitive business landscape.

As workplaces evolve, investing in employee relations remains essential for building resilient and successful organisations ready for the long haul.

Relevant resources

Gayatri Panda
Gayatri PandaThemis Technologies

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