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Social media speaker by Emma York

Social media speaker by Emma York
Emma York
Digital Marketing Specialist & Social Media Trainer
Fresh Approach Digital

I love social media, especially Instagram and could talk about it for hours.

I have been working in social media for over ten years and have been an event speaker for Digital Women, the Yachting Journalists Association (YJA), the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB), Digital Women's Summit India and many Facebook communities and member groups.

If you are looking for someone to talk to your group or event about social media for businesses I would love to have a chat.
Emma York
Digital Marketing Specialist & Social Media Trainer
Fresh Approach Digital
Hi, I am Emma. I am a digital marketing consultant and social media trainer from West Sussex. I founded Fresh Approach Digital in 2013 and help business owners to improve online awareness, gain leads and achieve their marketing objectives.

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