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Review your commercial contracts using legal AI

Review your commercial contracts using legal AI
Zarlush Zaidi
Zarlush Zaidi

Cobrief simplifies contract review.

Sign up, upload your lengthy commercial contracts and run a review to receive instant, jargon-free feedback on key legal risks to your business.

Use Cobrief to cut your legal spend, accelerate getting to final signature, and sleep better at night knowing that your business isn't walking into any legal pitfalls - no matter how big the counter-party is.

Please get in touch for further information.
Zarlush Zaidi
Zarlush Zaidi
I'm a co-founder of Cobrief, a legal tool designed to help small-to-medium sized businesses review their commercial contracts quicker, cheaper and without legal jargon. Cobrief is an AI copilot that reviews and analyses your commercial contracts and flags key risks to your business. It also explains what each risk is and what it means for your business, in plain English. All you have to do is upload it and run the review - easy peasy. Cobrief was founded by two commercial lawyers and an engineer who believe that small businesses should not have to rely on expensive lawyers in order to finalise contracts and unlock cash for their businesss, but need something better than generic templates as guidance. Cobrief is exactly that: it can give you feedback tailored to your business within seconds at a fraction of the cost of lawyers. For more information on how to use Cobrief, please sign up to our website here: https://www.cobrief.co.uk/Sign-up-page

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