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Minimise your costs and avoid wasting valuable time by Tony Seaton

Minimise your costs and avoid wasting valuable time by Tony Seaton
Tony Seaton
Tony Seaton
Client Director

Let’s face it – as a business owner you have plenty of other things to spend your time on than your book keeping and accounts.

But book keeping is a really important function because it feeds directly into your management and annual accounts, so when everything is up-to-date it is so much easier to prepare your accounts and tax return – and of course accurate financial information means you can make good decisions about the future of your business.

Some of the benefits from using our book keeping Services include: 

 Availability 52 weeks per year 

 Eliminates employee liabilities and responsibilities 

 Removes the need for sickness and holiday cover 

 Prompt and accurate production of information 

 Access and support from a fully qualified advisor  

 Real-time accessibility of your financial data

To discuss your requirements in more detail and the associated costs please contact julielediard@jerroms.co.uk or call 01527 833124

Tony Seaton
Tony Seaton
Client Director
Tony joined what is now Jerroms in 2009.  Tony is a chartered accountant with contacts with all the region’s banks, venture capitalists and alternative finance providers.  He has extensive experience in supporting new and early stage businesses to raise venture capital, private equity and asset based lending for start-ups, growth, acquisitions, disposals and flotations.  Tony has been an accredited as a SFEDI Business Support Advisor. He has also undertaken several mentoring projects, including Betaden in Malvern and at the University of Birmingham.

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