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Create a business strategy by Steve Jebson

Create a business strategy by Steve Jebson
Steve Jebson
Steve Jebson
Business Coach, advisor and mentor
Business Doctors

A business strategy includes:

Your strategic objective – what do you want to achieve? Aims such as increased revenue and sales are common objectives in the business world

The services/products that you plan to incorporate

The customers to who you want to sell to

Your business goals – these will help you to reach your strategic objective.

Tasks and milestones – your team member duties to help reach goals. For example, producing fresh weekly social content.

Imagine your strategy as a clear roadmap – firstly you will need to establish where you are – what your destination is – what route you will take – and then you can figure out how to get there!

Our approach to strategy

At Business Doctors we can help you to plan ways to make more time to spend on your business rather than in your business. We will work closely with you to build a strategy that will help you to grow your business and achieve your desired goals.

We have been creating successful business strategies for business owners for almost two decades, so we know all too well that in order to be effective, a business strategy has to be a living and breathing thing, with clearly identified goals and ongoing monitoring to ensure it’s effectiveness.

That’s why we have developed a brand new digital platform StratNav. This strategic planning tool is now being adopted by our business consultants and their clients and is recognised as a highly effective business strategy tool. StratNav uses our proven 10 step methodology, so If you are happy to create your own business strategy, you can simply opt for a monthly subscription.

If you are completely new to the idea of having a robust business strategy, you will benefit from the advice and support of a certified Business Doctor. Book a discovery call with Steve to find out more. 

Steve Jebson
Steve Jebson
Business Coach, advisor and mentor
Business Doctors
I am driven, energetic and committed to helping SME’s achieve a better future for themselves and their businesses.  Drawing on my years of experience running large Commercial teams for major retailers and hospitality companies, I thrive confronting challenges head-on and identifying the best possible solutions. Developing a compelling consumer proposition is key but this has to be aligned with a strong level of commerciality to ensure success. I love to help businesses put together a winning strategy on sales, marketing, people, finance and operations focused on practical implementation plans, measurement and review. From start up to exit I am currently helping business in many sectors and of many sizes.

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