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Conflict Coaching by Nicola Haigh by Nicola Haigh

Conflict Coaching by Nicola Haigh  by Nicola Haigh
Nicola Haigh
Nicola Haigh
Managing Director Investigator and Mediator
NJH & Associates

The coach helps individuals to think through all aspects of the conflict and consider options to resolve it, by asking questions, providing feedback and offering insights. The conflict coach works one on one with individuals experiencing conflict with another person. The individual is able to talk about the conflict with the coach who is a neutral third party, consider options and design an approach to discuss the conflict with the other person. The coach therefore acts as a confidential listener and someone to practice on.

What is very important is that the individuals are responsible for any outcome, which can give a sense of control over a situation that may feel uncontrollable.

It can be used to prevent a potential conflict escalating or to effectively manage an existing dispute. It can also be used when there is a problem and the other person does not know or does not want to engage formally in the resolution.
Nicola Haigh
Nicola Haigh
Managing Director Investigator and Mediator
NJH & Associates
Are conflicts in your workplace a pressing issue that is taking up a lot of time? With 27 years of handling disputes and difficult situations you can be assured you are in safe hands. I pride myself on honesty and a straight talking approach to ensure disputes are settled quickly, impartially and with empathy to all parties. I have experience of dealing with complex cases and sensitive issues. As a workplace mediator and workplace investigator, I have worked on cases that have included disciplinary and grievance, bullying and harassment, sexual harassment and discrimination. UK data shows that 65% of performance problems are a result of strained relationships; 42% of a managers time is spent on conflict; 25% of sickness absence is from conflict. I can help. Get in touch if you would like to discuss further.

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