DIGIVET is an Erasmus+ project, which, in the long term, will provide an innovative solution to the EU’s declared challenge of improving levels of digital skills amongst VET educators.
The Europe 2020 Strategy recognises entrepreneurship and self-employment as key for achieving smart, sustainable, and inclusive growth.
- Lack of awareness of the potential for entrepreneurship among role models results in a lack of encouragement or even a negative social attitude
- Education and training programmes generally do not do enough to nurture entrepreneurial attitudes and skills
- Lack of prior work and entrepreneurship experience is detrimental to business start-up and entrepreneurship performance
- Limited business networks and business-related social capital have consequences for business start-up and obtaining legitimacy
- Gender bias/inequality
What we are doing:
- Creating a VET digital curriculum focusing on developing entrepreneurial mind-sets (e.g. recognising and acting on an opportunity)
- By encouraging attitudinal changes, DIGIVET will promote the following entrepreneurial qualities:Skills and attitudes: women may have the determination and enthusiasm to run a business but may not have the appropriate skills-set and leadership qualities
Meta-qualities: to be developed through action learning sets; developing the ability of learning-to-learn; and identifying self-weaknesses for subsequent development.
We are linking with VET educators and trainers who can engage with women who are furthest from the labour market.
We will use non-formal education methods to train 24 VET trainers/educators, from the UK, Italy, Germany, Austria, and Romania.
Eligibility requirements
Small business owners, women entrepreneurs, trainers,