Warning issued over business rates appeals scam
Posted: Thu 20th Jun 2024
Business owners have been warned to avoid false claims by agents that the deadline to appeal business rates valuation is 30 June.
Business owners are able to challenge the valuation of their property for the purposes of calculating the amount of business rates they need to pay.
The Valuation Office Agency (VOA), which looks after the process in England and Wales, said it is aware of claims by agents, who help firms appeal, that the deadline for appeals to the 2023 rating lists is 30 June.
This is not true as businesses are generally able to challenge a property valuation on the 2023 list at any time until March 2026.
VOA said businesses should be cautious of any agent who:
tries to pressure you to make a decision or sign a contract
makes claims about 'unclaimed credits' or similar
says they are acting on behalf of the VOA
demands large sums of money up front
The VOA has published new guidance for how businesses can stay safe from scammers.
The organisation said:
"The vast majority of agents are reputable and provide a good service. But a small minority act in bad faith.
"We collect evidence of poor agent behaviour and practices in the course of our work. This evidence allows us to proactively address issues or concerns.
"If you are concerned about potential misrepresentation by agents, send any evidence to ccaservice@voa.gov.uk."
You don't have to use an agent to manage business rates and can do it yourself.
However, if you decide to work with an agent, VOA has a checklist for choosing one.