Meet the adviser - Brian Cooney

Meet the adviser - Brian Cooney

Posted: Wed 11th May 2022

Brian Cooney is The Price Mentor and an Enterprise Nation Go and Grow Online adviser.

We caught up with Brian to find out more about the services he offers ahead of his Go and Grow Online: Know your numbers webinar. You can catch up on the recording here.

How did you become The Pricing Mentor?

I have been a business consultant since 2011 and have worked with many companies, one on one, over the last 12 years. Those companies have had financial difficulties, cash flow issues, cost issues and profit issues. When you actually go back over the root cause of those issues it's because of their pricing.

They needed to calculate their price correctly, and then look to see how that price can be competitive. What I've been doing over the last two years is providing this service to people through a range of different options.

How do you help people with their pricing?

It's all tied around education. I believe that if people are educated to understand how the financial pillar of their business can be structured and organised into the fabric of their business, then people will be a lot better off both business wise, personally and financially.

What services do you provide your clients?

I have three different levels of customers that I that I support.

  • The customer who's had a financial crisis, or somebody who's had a major financial crisis in their business and are recovering, and they want to learn how to make sure that never happens again. I run a financial masterclass over a weekend for business owners. They are in a bubble for the whole weekend, and I take them from zero to informed using the TEA method. Theory, Example, of how theory works in real life, and then I help people with the Application of that in their own business

  • The customer who has self-worth issues. There are people who come along and say they know what they should charge but no way would they as they don’t think people will pay it because they don’t feel they are worth it. I do a lot of work with people helping people see their own value and seeing their own self-worth, and worthiness, and getting them to the point where the actual charging becomes easy for them, because then they know their self-worth. I really enjoy that work.

  • The customer who knows what they are worth, they know their value to the customer, they have just never been trained on pricing.  That’s really something that's missing from a lot of training curricula - how do you actually calculate your price?

Are your services in-person or online?

What I like to do is to is a hybrid model. The model I have in the masterclass is very much physical, a group of people in a room, everybody is synergistic. They all feed off their own energy. And that's fantastic because very often, people that come to that are people who have come through a crisis, and they think they're alone.

And the clients who just want to be trained just like the idea of on demand, they can download the course and do it in their own time.

You are hosting a webinar, what will we learn?

It’s about knowing your numbers. Whether you're running a multibillion-dollar company, or whether you're running a one-person operation it is really about knowing the numbers. We’ll go through making sure that you know how much you're selling, and what it's worth, and how much it's costing you to sell it, so you know what your expenses are.

What drew you to Enterprise Nation?

About two and a half years ago, I was given the opportunity to enter a competition. I’d never heard of Enterprise Nation before, and I just love everything about it. I love what it's looking to achieve. I love the people that it’s looking to help. I love the kind of 20 - 30-minute Lunch and Learn. You can go to them while you're having your sandwich. It's just the model is really appealing to me.

I lost the battle and won the war. I didn't win the competition that I entered but out of that came the opportunity to be aware of Enterprise Nation and get engaged even as a as a customer or as a client. And then just given the opportunity to work with the likes of Nicola in Ireland is just going to be fantastic. I’m in safe hands with Nicky too.

About Go and Grow Online

Enterprise Nation are working with Microsoft, Klarna & Vodafone to support 20,000 small businesses across Ireland to improve their digital skills.

For more information on Go and Grow Online click here.

And you can access the Go and Grow Online: Know your numbers here.

Book a free discovery call with Brian to find out how he can help your business.

Enterprise Nation has helped thousands of people start and grow their businesses. Led by founder, Emma Jones CBE, Enterprise Nation connects you to the resources and expertise to help you succeed.

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