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Amárach survey finds 45% of Irish SMEs have no website

Amárach survey finds 45% of Irish SMEs have no website

Posted: Wed 6th Apr 2022

Only 55% of Irish SMEs have their own website and only 53% have social media and video platforms, according to a new report by Amárach. This statistic ranks comparably lower than the EU average of 77%.

The survey was taken by 1,000 SME leaders throughout Ireland.

Lacking in social media

The report finds that only 11% of Ireland’s SMEs feel their employees have the skills needed to successfully adopt and use new technology, a statistic borne out in the data where only 53% of SMEs have (or use) social media and video platforms and just 18% make use of customer insights tools.

Irish SMEs said while they were ‘ambitious’ when it comes to investing in digital capabilities half of them said they ‘lack the knowledge’ about which skills to prioritise.

Policy planning

The report indicates that policy makers, advisors, and suppliers to the SME sector need to help address the priority gaps that will deliver quick wins, spurring decision-makers to go further.

“This research is unique in that it provides information and insight directly from SME leaders themselves,” said Gerard O’Neill, Chair of Amárach Research. “The study is comprehensive, representing a cross-section of Irish SMEs and is nationally representative of regions, genders, industries and business models.

“While we see some subtle differences in the findings, two things are constant to almost all SMEs. First, that they believe investing in digital capabilities will enhance their business. Second, that they are ready to do that now – but they need the right support.

“This research allows decision-makers, policymakers and industry personnel to have meaningful and informed dialogue that can affect real and positive change to Ireland’s digital landscape.”

Supporting digitalisation

Enterprise Ireland CEO Leo Clancy echoed Gerard O’Neill’s thoughts and vowed Enterprise Ireland and the Local Enterprise Offices are committed to supporting the digitalisation of Irish businesses by “investing in the capabilities that will help lead them to international success”.

“For successful businesses, digitalisation isn’t an option, it is a crucial advantage that allows them to compete and win,” O’Neill said. “The report launched today provides invaluable insight and guidance that will inform debate and enhance decision making as we further invest in digital capabilities across Ireland.”


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About Go and Grow Online Ireland

Enterprise Nation is working with Microsoft, Klarna and Vodafone to support 20,000 small businesses across Ireland to improve their digital skills. Visit the hub now

Enterprise Nation has helped thousands of people start and grow their businesses. Led by founder, Emma Jones CBE, Enterprise Nation connects you to the resources and expertise to help you succeed.

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