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Access to Finance: Grants available to small businesses

Posted: Tue 4th Apr 2023

In this session, corporate finance consultant Johnny Harte chairs a panel discussion with an accountant and a small business owner who have both secured business grants from organisations in Ireland.

Key points from the webinar

Financial support

  • The Local Enterprise Office (LEO) offers a feasibility grant of up to €15,000 for initial product prototypes, market research and technical development in manufacturing and internationally traded services sectors.

  • If your business is less than 18 months old, you can apply to the LEO for a priming grant of up to €150,000 (50% support). If your business is more than 18 months old, business expansion grants are available.

  • Use the LEO's Trading Online Voucher Scheme for a grant of up to €2,500 to support early-stage digital investment in e-commerce infrastructure for businesses trading for at least six months.

Skills development and mentorship

  • Enrol in the LEO's Start Your Own Business programme to gain confidence and support, with 50% of attendees starting a business and becoming LEO clients for further assistance.

  • Consider Enterprise Ireland's New Frontiers Programme, a national entrepreneur development initiative, to learn entrepreneurial behaviour and develop your skillset.

  • Access a wide range of soft supports including mentoring, training and webinars at any stage of your entrepreneurial journey for expert guidance.

Sector-specific opportunities

  • Leverage the urban-rural divide by tapping into tech sector and life sciences ecosystems in bigger cities, or focus on agriculture technology and manufacturing in rural areas.

Financial planning

  • Open a business bank account promptly. Banks have improved the customer journey to establish accounts within 24 hours.

  • Secure working capital by initiating conversations with your local bank to kickstart your entrepreneurial journey.

Overcoming barriers

  • Overcome fear by taking the first step and contacting a mentor to guide you through the process of bringing your business idea to life. 

Other finance webinars

Enterprise Nation has helped thousands of people start and grow their businesses. Led by founder, Emma Jones CBE, Enterprise Nation connects you to the resources and expertise to help you succeed.

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