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Five things to consider when creating your e-commerce store

Five things to consider when creating your e-commerce store
Lucy Hall
Lucy HallAvviso Media Ltd

Posted: Thu 2nd Dec 2021

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The free initiative – delivered exclusively online and consisting of workshops, webinars and e-learning modules – will empower businesses to kickstart digital change, adopt new technology and stay safe online.

In this blog, business.connected adviser Lucy Hall provides an overview of how to set up an e-commerce store using website builders and how to decide what tools are right for your business.

1. Choose the right platform

Before you start uploading photos and writing the perfect listing for your products, you’ll need to choose an e-commerce website platform that’s suitable for you. With so many options on the market, how do you decide which one is right?

First, make a list of all the must-haves for your store. If you need to easily integrate third-party tools like email marketing, discounts, voucher codes and upsells into your store, research the most popular platforms and consider whether the platform will do what you want it to.

There’s nothing worse than being close to completing a website and realising you can’t integrate one of your most-wanted features. Most e-commerce providers also offer free trials, some for a month or more. This is a great opportunity for you to test the waters and see if the product will work well for your business.

Popular e-commerce platforms include Shopify, Wix, Squarespace and WooCommerce, but there are plenty more to choose from.

2. Present your products in the best possible way

It goes without saying that your products must be well presented to be able to attract those all-important buyers. But how do you make sure you’re presenting your product listings in the best way for your customers? There are several elements to consider here.


Taking a very clear photo of your product from several angles will help customers to properly understand what they’re buying. Get as much detail into your photos as you can, to avoid situations where customers are returning items because they aren’t what the website depicted.

Photos of products on a clean background work really well. Also look to include images of your product in use.

Written copy

The second most important element of your product listings. A photo can show consumers what to expect but the copy delivers the detail.

You should always give people the facts, so be sure to include information about the product’s size, materials and so on.

However, you’re also trying to make sales, so feel free to add some storytelling about the product to increase consumers’ interest. Get creative with your copy and demonstrate ways in which the product can be used.

Product title

A well-written product title is very important, as it’s often the first thing customers see before reading the rest of the copy.

With titles, the rule is to keep them simple — don’t include lots of keywords and features. Also, keep the title short. Titles that are too long may appear cut off in the search engine results and might not be approved for marketing channels such as Facebook Shops and Google Shopping.

3. Check your policies

When it comes to e-commerce websites, transparency is key. Consumers must be able to trust who they are buying from.

Before your online store goes live, make sure you’ve added pages that detail the important policies:

  • Privacy policy

  • Cookie policy

  • Returns policy

  • Terms and conditions

Not only do these policies protect you but they give the consumer a clear understanding of how your store works and what they can expect when returning items or reporting faulty goods.

A privacy policy tells customers how you’ll use their data. In fact, before you can market products on Facebook Ads and other advertising platforms, the companies will check that your website carries these policies. Not having them in place can also affect how well your ads perform.

4. Know how postage and packaging works

There are two common mistakes new e-commerce sellers make. One is not knowing the correct postage for products, and the other is offering free postage without weighing the items first (and knowing how much they’ll cost to send).

Finding out the actual cost of posting an item is crucial. Also factor in potential returns whose postage costs you may be liable for. Don’t overlook packaging costs either — work out how much packaging costs for each item and build this into your postage rates.

5. Create those final, important web pages

You’ve set up your store, created your listings, put policies in place and made sure your postage costs are correct. Now there are a few final pages to build before your online store goes live.

Home page

This is often where visitors to your site first land. Users should be able to navigate easily to find your products and other information about your business.

About us

The perfect place to tell customers more about your business’s story. Give people a behind-the-scenes look at how you make your products or how you got started and what people can expect from you as a company.

You can even use this page as a signpost for products you love or towards your own social media accounts.

Contact us

Have a page on your website for customers to be able to get in touch. This could be through WhatsApp, by email or via a form.

Being able to contact you easily increases customers’ trust and makes sure they can ask you questions about products or if any issues arise with their orders. You can even integrate bots into your store that answer the most common questions.


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Lucy Hall
Lucy HallAvviso Media Ltd
Lucy is a jargon free, social media trainer and consultant. Lucy is a #SheMeansBusiness accredited trainer and founder of SocialDayUK the UK’s biggest social media marketing festival. Lucy is also a Director at Avviso Media, a digital marketing agency that specialises in content and social media marketing for B2B and events brands. Lucy’s passion is to up-skill women and so set up DigitalWomen with Natwest, a community created to empower 1 Million plus women through digital skills which holds regular events and highlights the great work women are doing in digital and entrepreneurship.

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