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Growth made easy

The Go Global programme provides guidance, training and tailored support to help ambitious businesses in the UK grow internationally.

That might be expanding your business's footprint, working in new regions, finding the right technology and tools, or managing exports and international trade.

Growth made easy

Benefits of taking part in Go Global

Attend expert-led webinars

Attend expert-led webinars

Join informative online sessions with experts. Get insight into how to master international growth, either as a business that already sells overseas or as one with ambitions of trading internationally.

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Watch bitesize e-learning videos

Watch bitesize e-learning videos

In this free and exclusive programme of online learning, we'll teach you the essentials of connecting, collaborating with a global workforce and partners, and selling overseas.

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International trade guides

International trade guides

We've produced a series of guides to help you grow your business in common territories. Read the guides for valuable tips and advice on taking your business overseas.

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Go Global resources

Go Global resources

Useful blogs and up-to-date news articles to support and help you navigate your business towards the international growth it's looking for.

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UK Export Academy

Go Global

A free programme of support from Santander and Enterprise Nation, in collaboration with Dropbox and Deloitte.

Get started for free

Frequently asked questions