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Why join?

Learn how to start selling with success on popular marketplaces like Amazon, Instagram and TikTok.

Get insider tips and strategies from digital experts and connect with other business owners in Harrow to share valuable insights and experiences.

You'll also have the opportunity to access one-to-one support with an expert on online selling. 

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What do the free bootcamps involve?

In just three weeks, you'll understand the ins and outs of online selling and how to increase your brand's visibility so you can reach new customers. Here's how it'll go: 

Launch week - 12 October

During this in-person session, you'll learn how to:

  • Create a strong social media presence 

  • Sell successfully on e-commerce platforms like Amazon and Etsy 

  • Engage with your audience in all places, from Instagram to TikTok and beyond

You'll also be able to register for one-to-one support with one of our trainers. 

Launch week - 12 October

Week 2 - 16 October (online)

Learn how to create a digital marketing strategy and create campaigns without breaking the bank:

  • Explore the range of digital marketing methods available to you, and choose the right ones for your business and budget

  • Find out how user-generated content can make your brand more credible and authentic – at low cost

  • Put organic strategies in place that give your business more visibility online

Week 2 - 16 October (online)

Week 3 - 23 October (online)

Discover how to deliver great customer service online, and different ways to engage with your audience:

  • Learn strategies for building long-term relationships with customers

  • Find out why personalising your customer service is so important

  • Understand how to use technology to provide excellent customer service

Week 3 - 23 October (online)

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Become a member to join a vibrant community of like-minded small business owners and access expert advice.

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