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Small business insights

Enterprise Nation is a pioneer in small business support. Discover data insights and research findings captured from quarterly barometers and community forums.

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Startup Tracker

Start-ups this week


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Start-ups this year


Enterprise Nation delivers cutting-edge business research that aims to understand future business direction and sentiment. The research is also used to deliver economic empowerment for the UK's small business community.


Check out recent research reports and see what's in the pipeline.

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Small business barometer

Every quarter, Enterprise Nation conducts a community-wide survey that analyses the confidence and ambition's of Britain's smallest companies.


Top region for new members



Top sector for new members



Average cost of advice



Most in-demand advice


Want to find out more?

Enterprise Nation's insight unit works with partners to analyse and distill the biggest challenges that face small businesses with a view to providing practical solutions and policy recommendations.

Get in touch by emailing hello@enterprisenation.com if you would like to discuss further opportunities.

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